LED Mobile Billboard Advertising

LED mobile billboard advertising offers numerous benefits for digital advertisers.  These include:

Flexibility of the message and videos that can be show. Because the medium is digital messages can be of various duration and can be quickly updated. The operator can update the video messages remotely.

Length of the video. Depending on the message video lengths can be flexible so that the target audience can be reached when you want.

Frequency of the videos. The LED Mobile Billboard offers the ability to show videos at the appropriate time and place. Whether the LED Truck is stationary or driving in a high target environment.

Quality of the LED display.  Our LED Mobile Billboard Displays are visible in both the day and especially at night. The high power LED display can be optimized for various weather conditions.

Real-time messaging ideal for product, sports or news updates. LED Mobile Displays offer a great way to communicate event information, scores, and news about events.

Watch Parties. Our Mobile Digital LED truck can be positioned in numerous locations for an event or watch party.  The high quality LED makes any game view-able for hundreds of people.

Video Game Tournaments. LED displays are great for video game tournaments. LED screens can be split to accommodate many games at once or as a medium for the audience to watch. The graphics on the LED help viewers keep up with the action.